
How To Change The Aspect Ratio Of Axes In Matlab

Axes Attribute Ratio

By default, 2-D graphs display in a rectangular axes that has the same aspect ratio as the figure window. This makes optimum use of space available for plotting. Prepare the attribute ratio with the axis part:

  • axis normal — Sets the axis limits to span the data range along each axis and stretches the plot to fit the effigy window. This the default behavior.

  • axis square — makes the current axes region square

  • centrality equal — sets the attribute ratio so that the data units are the aforementioned in every direction

  • axis equal tight — sets the attribute ratio so that the data units are the same in every direction and so sets the axis limits to the minimum and maximum values of the information.

For instance, these statements create a elongated circle.

t = 0:pi/20:two*pi; x = sin(t); y = 2*cos(t); plot(10,y) filigree on

These graphs bear witness the furnishings of various centrality control options:

iii-D Views

These statements create a cylindrical surface:

t = 0:pi/6:4*pi; [10,y,z] = cylinder(4+cos(t),30); surf(x,y,z)              

These graphs show the effects of diverse axis command options:

  • centrality normal — Sets the centrality limits to span the data range along each axis and stretches the plot to fit the effigy window. This the default behavior.

  • axis square — Creates an axes that is square regardless of the shape of the figure window. The cylindrical surface is no longer distorted because it is non warped to fit the window. However, the size of one data unit is non equal forth all axes (the z-axis spans merely 1 unit while the x-axes and y-axes span 10 units each).

  • centrality equal — Makes the length of i data unit equal forth each axis while maintaining a nearly square plot box. It also prevents warping of the axis to make full the window's shape.

  • axis vis3d — Freezes attribute ratio properties to enable rotation of 3-D objects and overrides stretching the axes to make full the figure. Apply this option to go on settings from changing while yous rotate the scene.

    Annotation:   To format aspect ratio using the axis part, call axis afterward creating the graph or use the hold on command before plotting data.

Boosted Commands for Setting Aspect Ratio

You can too control the aspect ratio of your graph more precisely using these functions:

  • Specifying the relative scales of the x- , y- , and z- axes (information aspect ratio)

  • Specifying the shape of the space divers by the axes (plot box attribute ratio)

  • Specifying the centrality limits

The following commands enable you to fix these values.




Set or query the information aspect ratio


Set or query the plot box aspect ratio


Set or query ten -axis limits


Gear up or query y -axis limits


Set or query z -axis limits

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